Ultra Mobile Email Design
Break the Grid, Add visual interest. Take the visual ecosystem of Ultra Mobile, complete with bold type and curved graphic lines, and reinterpret it. reimagine it. More importantly, solve the problem that the monotony of day-to-day emails bring: customers become used to seeing one template, one design, and so the message doesn't come through. My objective was to break this monotany, but using the assets already existing within the visual lexicon of Ultra Mobile. i wanted to Break through the clutter. Using the curved lines prevalent throughout the graphic landscape of Ultra Mobile, my objective was to take a macro look at those curves, and zoom out, imagining them as part of a larger dimensional ribbon, assuming the whole was greater than the parts. In this case, the curvature was taken into the 3D world, where the curves start to fold and appear as a ribbon cascading down the email, increasing visual interest.